How many of you have gone into another sales years saying this is the year where I am really going to exceed my sales targets? I am thinking oh, about 94% of you. The other 6%, here’s a question, should you be in sales?

But, for most, that’s where the desire ends. The first of the year passion is there. It’s a new year and a new time to set those goals.

The missing link is the plan.

 It’s the same as saying we want to go from New York to LA without a map (or GPS). We may eventually, but if we even do, how long will it take?

That’s a staggering number. Another study shows that there are only 10% of salespeople that are top performers! I’ve even written about that.

So the question is, what does that 8 % do and how can I do that this year!

1. Write them down! If you write down your sales goals you are 42% more likely to meet them. If you want to increase your sales by 20% this year, write down that goal. Then break it down into monthly goals. That way you have a better chance of not falling behind. If you sell multiple products, set a goal for each.

2. Look at your data! Start out with your most loyal clients. There is a 60% to 70% better chance that you will be able to sell to loyal clients. It’s the quickest way to increase sales. The know, like and trust factor is already there since they have purchased from you multiple times so you are already starting ahead of the game.

3. Keep track of your time! Wasted time is the number one deterrent to achieving goals. I know you have heard a million and one times, time is money. But it really is! The more time you waste with emails, calls, and quotes that go nowhere with clients because they are under qualified waste so much time you will never be able to achieve your goals.

4. Qualify! Improve your asking skills. The more your qualify BEFORE you even go on that sales call, the more time you will spend selling not telling them something that does not lead to a sale. Or as I say in my 7 Core Principles of Accelerating your Sales, Push don’t Pull.

Telling does not help you meet goals, asking does. Ask more, talk less, listen more.

5. Review your sales goals weekly! Analyze what worked and what you might have to change. This can also give you a roadmap to what you need to do the following week to achieve your goals.

BONUS: Mindset is 80% of meeting goals. Get help when you need it! Top achievers are always learning. They are not set in their ways. They have an open mindset. They KNOW they don’t know it all. They are constantly reading blogs, books, reports. They keep up with the latest trends not only in product but in sales techniques. They use coaches or take programs.